Thank you to everybody who came along to our Dundee Etsy Craft Party on Friday at the DCA! As our party was in the top 50 worldwide Craft Parties, we received an amazing box of goodies from Etsy- which arrived just in the nick of time on Friday morning. With bunting, DIY projects and cake in tow- we set up camp in the DCA Activity room.
It was great to have so many enthusiastic visitors- who crafted, had a good chat, ate some really nice food (thanks to those who brought along the nibbles!), drank plenty of tea and made some really cool things.
Jen took loads of snaps (like the one of my Etsy cupcakes at the top) which we'll upload to the Dundee Jamboree flickr really soon. In the mean time, check out Jen's post at
Dundee Jamboree.
We'll also be announcing the winners of the Tote Bags- so keep an eye on your inboxes- if your name was in the draw!