Anyway- less about me...the current DJCAD Degree show opened last Friday, and runs all of this week until Sunday the 29th of May. There is tonnes to see- and today I went back for my second look. Below is a list of my personal recommendations of what you should explore the Duncan of Jordanstone labyrinth to find.
Sarah Johnston - Fine Art
I really liked Sarah's whole space- it had a lovely crisp, minimal feel but with plenty of humour and character. I especially loved her "My life is a mess: Why?" book of questions. You can see more of Sarah's work here.
Hannah Champion: Art, Philosophy & Contempory Practices
I'm not usually one for video art- but I spent ages in this space. The aerobics ladies are teamed up with a pretty repulsive eating-cake-off-the ground video. While the repetitive audio/visual of the 80's aerobics gals takes precedence at first glance, I found myself filtering the beat out to concentrate on the cake video. I'm not sure if it made me want to do any excercise- but it did put me off cake (a bit- this a pretty mean feat when it comes to myself and cake). You can see more of Hannah's work over on her blog but her space (the outdoor sculpture sheds) is definitely worth a visit! [screenshot courtesy of Hannah's Blog]
Nicola Keir - Textile Design