The posters are up- the date is set, and there's even a
Facebook event for the very first meeting of new Dundee Maker's Mob- The Shimmy. Here's a little bit from The Shimmy's Makers' Manifesto:
"The Shimmy is a Dundee based group focussing on providing a platform for Dundee-based artists and makers. Our manifesto aims to form a network for socialising, key tips and sharing tools for proffessional development, as well as practical and theoretical discussion to aid the development and progression of our careers as artists and makers"
So whether you're interested in meeting other artists for collaboration, learning new skills or just meeting up with like-minded folks for a cuppa and a blether, get yourself down to the
Hannah Maclure Centre Dundee at 6pm on Tuesday the 2nd of February. We'll be there to say hello!