It'll be the second outing for Nikkimade at Oran Mor and with lots of new designs and old favourites- it's going to be great! Why not bring along your Mum and treat her to a huggable biscuit for her couch this Mother's Day- they'll last longer than flowers and they're just as jolly!
As a treat for any of my blog readers who swing by- I'll be giving away 5 Golden Tickets which will entitle you to a Nikkimade goodie-bag with any purchase you make on the day. All you have to do to get your hands on one of these is drop me a line at n[dot]c[dot]mcwilliams[at]gmail[dot]com with your name, and "Golden Ticket" in the subject header. It's first come, first served- so be quick!
You can RSVP via the facebook event by clicking here. See you there!