Yesterday was the most recent "A Day in the Life" blog date. Here's a day in my life:

Up and dressed early for the Post Office trip. My phone says it's -2 degrees C out, but it feels a lot colder! Posting out of the way, I pick up things for lunch: bread, milk & an all-butter Victoria sponge.

I arrive home and put the kettle on- My
Stickygram magnets have arrived! I only ordered them on Sunday and they are brilliant. I contemplate getting more to cover every magnetic surface in the flat with instagram magnet fun.
I get through the mornings' emails and then Michael gets home. We have crusty rolls, ham, tea and the Victoria sponge- I think ham rolls are my favourite of all plain sandwich fare. After lunch I do some paperwork and pack some things to take to my parents' house for the night.

I catch the train- it is totally mobbed, so I sit on one of the foldy seats in the vestibule. I try to be productive by making some notes for the talk I'm doing for 2nd year Design at DJCAD in March.

I arrive at my parents' house- they've made a beef curry in the slow cooker- it's really tasty! My Dad goes out to work and me and my mum do some cushion packing.

My Mum's cat, Alfie, is obviously feeling a bit left out so decides to act super-cute to get some attention. It works. Alfie rolls around on his footstool throne for a while posing for photographs and we have cup of tea and some of my Mum's greek Semolina Cake.
Somehow it is 1am. This is well-past my usual bedtime however the Cat/Cake party was good fun.
Read about a Day in the Life of the other participants here:
(**Update- great effort everyone! Look out for the next Day in the Life date- which will be chosen by Hilary Grant**)