Monday, 30 April 2012

We've Moved!

After I started blogging back in 2009 I've enjoyed a good three years posting my updates with blogger.  However, today I'm really excited about launching my brand new website- and with that will also come a brand new blog!

The very talented Kim Lawler (owner at Finest Imaginary, and web developer extraordinaire) has been working her socks off to build me a beautiful new internet home- and now that it's done- I can't wait to move in!

You can find my lovely new site at my original address:  From now on I'll be blogging from my new abode- so be sure to add the new address to your Google Reader/RSS Feed/Blog Lovin'.

You can still read all of your old favourite posts right here- or even better- come and find them in their new home at! I'd love to here what you think, so don't forget to leave me a comment...the new blog need christening!

See you there!


1 comment:

::cupcakesandbiscuits:: said...

Yay, will go change address now.
It's very cool to have your own address.
ali x